
Monster Mash, Mermaids & Manatees

On the road again…. Images.

Cryptozoology on MSN

I guess it has been there all day, but someone just told me about it. If you go to the MSN Homepage for today, and look over to the left hand side, scroll down a bit, you will find a photo of me in front of my Bigfoot. Click on that picture, and it goes to a new video at History’s “MonsterQuest” site in which I am talking about cryptozoology. The b-roll shows various objects in the museum. (Hey, if someone places this MSN video on YouTube, I’ll post it here. Right now, Cryptomundo does not have the technology to [...]

Creationist Details Papua Dino Sightings

Since the 1990s, a large ‘reptilian’ creature has been sighted occasionally on Umbungi Island in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Umbungi Island is located on the south coast of West New Britain between Kandrian and Gasmata. The creature has also been sighted on Alage Island, about 1km to the south of Ambungi Island. So begins Brian Irwin of “Creation on the Web” detailing his interviews of local residents of two islands on the south coast of West New Britain Province, Papua, New Guinea. Descriptions given by villagers seem to indicate to Irwin the presence of an alleged bipedal aquatic [...]

No Trunks, Says Palaeontologist

In my never-ending quest to give both sides of various intellectually stimulating issues, here is part two of Monday’s discussion on whether or not Mokele-Mbembe, if discovered, might be found to have a trunk. University of Portsmouth vertebrate palaeontologist and science writer Darren Naish (above) has a contrary opinion to that of the one highlighted here by reconstruction artist Bill Munns yesterday, on whether or not trunks existed on sauropods and a variety of other fossil animals. For the sauropods, Naish emails me this comment about Munns’ images (one, shown above) and the pro-trunk theory: “Very cool. But the palaeontological [...]

Does Mokele-Mbembe Have A Trunk?

William Munns and his reconstruction of Gigantopithecus. The famed recreator of Gigantopithecus, artist Bill Munns has opened a new window into his world and what we find inside is filled with wonders to behold. Bigfoot. Mokele-Mbembe. Saber-toothed Cats. A cryptozoo, indeed. Munns has shared with me his news that he has uploaded and opened his Bill Munns Creature Gallery. His continuingly upgraded site, Bill Munns Creature Gallery, represents 35 years of his work in varied fields of movie makeup effects, museum exhibit models, theme park robotics, and paleontology studies that have also included visualizations of prehistoric wildlife. As he points [...]

Mokele Mbembe en Español

The three parts of this documentary were produced in early 2008, in Spanish. The program is about the dinosaur-like cryptid from central Africa, Mokele Mbembe. It is carried here as a special treat to our Spanish-speaking and reading audience. Una increíble expedición tras un mito que se oculta en lo más profundo del continente negro. Muchos hablan de un dinosaurio, otros de un extraño rinoceronte. Este ser llamado Mokele Mbembe es temido y respetado por todas las tribus y su leyenda se extiende por toda África. Fernando González Sitges, naturalista y director de Explora films, y Oscar Soriano, Vicedirector del [...]