Malaysian Bigfoot

“A Species Odyssey”

Click image for full-size version. The Johor Hominid photos are the plates from the volume L’Odyssee de l’espece, which is the companion book that accompanies the TV documentary “L’Odyssee de l’espece,” first released in French in 2001. Quite amazingly, by coincidence, the English-language version of this series – “A Species Odyssey” – is being broadcast all week on cable, via the Discovery Science cable network. For broadcast times in North America, click here.

New Claim: More Johor Photographs

Are there more “unique” photographs like this one waiting in the wings in Johor? If you thought this was the last you had heard from the Malaysian investigators about a book and Johor Hominid photographs, you were badly mistaken. Sean Ang has emailed on Tuesday, August 8, 2006, at 6:19 am my time, to write to me and the Russian hominologist Dmitri Bayanov with this short and sharp message: As of 18:00 today, just to inform you a book in chinese version will still be published, told by Wee. Of course, a hint of this was already leaked two days [...]

Sunday Editorial Cartoon: The Real Hoaxer?

Sunday CryptoCommentary by Peter Loh For more of Peter Loh’s cartoons, please see: "Chow’s Book’s Foreword," "Be Patient," "Alamak," "Real McCoys," "Baw," and "Listen Chow.

Revisionist History: “johor hominid”

The source of those sexy "Johor Hominid" eyes was actually a color photograph found in a book on a television documentary about Australopithecus. The discovery of this hoax was by Jean luc Drevillon, who lives on Lafayette in Toulon, France. He emailed his results concurrently to Vincent Chow and to me at 3:25 am, Friday, August 4th morning. Nevertheless, the revisionist history on the end of this melodrama began late on the 4th, in Malaysia. Read on…. The "Johor Hominid" website went down, and as of the morning of Saturday, August 5th, US time, it still is down. Here’s the [...]

Retiring “Johor Hominid”

Sometimes people back themselves into corners. I think this happened with Vincent Chow, who became, it seems at this stage of the game, a victim of his own desires and hopes for the reality of the Johor Hominid pictures. As I said often, if we had the photographs, this matter could be resolved, perhaps, quickly. A sliver of an image appeared, not another drawing, and poof, it was. The era of an active cyberspace cryptocommunity is upon us. There are thousands of eyes out there, thanks to the internet, various sites, and, modestly I must note, Cryptomundo, looking for the [...]

More Johor Fallout: Peter Loh Reacts

Artist Peter Loh, who was there from the first, to hear of the leaked info on the photographs, puts pen to paper to record his editorial feelings for Cryptomundo about this sad outcome. For a complete rundown on all the other August 4th breaking news on the "Johor Hominid" hoax discovery, please also see: Johor Hominid Photos: Hoax! Johor Pix Hoax: More.

Johor Pix Hoax: More

The book above is the source of the recreations that were photographed, and then scanned, taken out of context, or otherwise shown to Vincent Chow as evidence of the “Johor Hominid.” We all know now it was an elaborate hoax, with a society created, some guardians, and eventually a website supporting this misinformation. This discovery is to be fully credited to Jean luc Drevillon, who cc’ed the following email to me early this Friday, August 4th morning (at 3:25 AM) but unfortunately via the Editor email address at Cryptomundo. I did not see this until mid-day when it was recently [...]

Johor Hominid Photos: Hoax!

Well, optimism springs eternal. As those who have read about the drawings, the photographs, and more, you have realized my early efforts to learn more were frustrated, but we all pushed on. From wishing Vincent Chow well, going to write the foreword to his projected book, to growing skepticism, it has been quite a journey. Hoping against hope, members of the hominology community wanted the purported but unseen photographs of the Johor Hominid to be a valid form of evidence. There appears now to have been an obvious reason for why those promoting the hidden pictures did not wish to [...]

Johor Photo Release

Sean Ang, apparently on behalf of Vincent Chow, has decided to release a small portion of the eyes of an alleged Johor Hominid from one of the alleged photographs (see below). It’s not much. But it’s something. Of course, it only raises more questions. If they can show us this much, why not a total and complete release of this evidence? What is this really a photograph of? Where was it taken? When? What does it show? From this tidbit, is it a photograph of any great ape in a zoo, a movie costume, or an unknown hominoid? What’s with [...]

Orang Dalam

Harold Stephens has just returned from the rainforests of Malaysia where he tells me he was filmed for an upcoming documentary on the Johor Bigfoot situation. Writing in transit from Johor to Bangkok on August 3, Stephens sends along, among other things, this: Spent three days in Malaysia with Rick Noll and his team. He interviewed me on camera. Met Vincent Chow, and he had met me before. Hardly much of a trek anyone can do in three days. And Vincent, I don’t think he ever got his shoes muddy. The others remain in Malaysia longer. I stayed only three [...]