New Claim: More Johor Photographs

Johor Hominid Photo

Are there more “unique” photographs like this one waiting in the wings in Johor?

If you thought this was the last you had heard from the Malaysian investigators about a book and Johor Hominid photographs, you were badly mistaken.

Sean Ang has emailed on Tuesday, August 8, 2006, at 6:19 am my time, to write to me and the Russian hominologist Dmitri Bayanov with this short and sharp message:

As of 18:00 today, just to inform you a book in chinese version will still be published, told by Wee.

Of course, a hint of this was already leaked two days ago by Vincent Chow in an interview with the The Star Malaysia:

Contrary to what was claimed by the website, association secretary Tay Teng Hwa [referring to JWPS] said it had never released any photo to anyone.

“We will release photos of Bigfoot in a book that will be launched soon. Who said we gave them any photographs?” he said.

Yesterday, Chow clarified that the photo was not from the association but another source, which he was unwilling to reveal.

I immediately emailed a short note to Ang after his August 8th email:

Who were the source of these photos? Were the photographs you did drawings of NOT the photographs that are being published? Are there other photos of the Johor Bigfoot? What is going on?

Dmitri has given me permission to publish now this following exchange with Sean Ang. Dmitri wrote Ang:

Hi Sean,

You people owe us an explanation who, how and why conned Vincent Chow in the first place. Was it a scam for money or an attempt by his adversaries to humiliate and discredit him?

To my warm message to him on May 9 he responded positively on May 23, writing in part, “The more I study the photos that are with me, the more faith I have in all the cryptozoologists, and whatever names they may call themselves, the world would have to rethink the whole issue in a more realistic manner. I’ll be glad if you would translate the forthcoming book when you find it worthwhile. I will be in touch with you soon and as I fill up the pages of my draft on the book, I may seek your advise as well as Loren’s. Meanwhile, Dr. Dimitri, please keep in touch as we share the common belief that the world needs to be re-educated!”

In my answer I thanked Vincent and asked the following questions:

1) Are you in touch with and aided by scientists in Malaysia, Japan, China, Australia, USA?
2) When were the photos taken?
3) With what type of camera? Are there negatives?
4) Could more photos be taken there, or the photographic endeavor has ended?
5) Why will only 3 photos be published? Because the rest are of inferior quality?
6) When do you plan to publish the book?

Don’t know what Vincent meant by touching with me “soon”, but he didn’t answer my questions and I never heard from him since.

As for me, I sent Vincent two more emails, and shared my thoughts with Loren: “My top question for the moment to Chow is whether he is or can be in touch with the actual photographer. Whatever the quality of the photos, and if they are truly authentic, they will be completely ignored by the mainstream scientists if the photographer does not come forward and describe the circumstances of taking those photographs. Even if these circumstances were described to Vincent and will be published in the book, that will not be enough. The name and direct word of the photographer is a must.”

Aside from the look of those “photos”, which were never shown to us, it’s inconceivable for me why Vincent accepted them for real for so long and connected with Malaysia without knowing who, how and when had taken them. As some people believe him to be a party to the hoax, it’s in his own interest to state the truth.


Dmitri then writes this morning:

Loren, you are free to post Ang’s reply as well, which is no explanation at all. DB

Here’s Sean’s reply:

Hi Dmitri,

I set up the website to communicate with the world on the possible existence of bigfoot in Johor. As I am an IT savvy person, I believe that engagement with the community will be useful. I was told there are concrete evidences, thus I set up the site with headings such as Evidences, Discussion and Impact.

I did not know what transpire between you or Loren with Vincent, it is better for you to check it out with Vincent.

If we want to con you, why would we lobby for the eye to be released? And get myself “shoot at”? Even more so since I am the content coordinator of the website?

I am as curious as you to get the answer straight away. If I could not get the answer from the them, at least the answer lies in the online community.


Sean Ang

For now, I will leave the last visual commentary to Peter Loh, who like many, is still reeling from the revelations from the first Johor Hominid photographic hoaxes.

Vincent Chow

Please click on image for a full-size version.


This just in at 8:01 am local time (after first posting the above earlier):

Hi Dmitri, cc: Loren

I’m puzzled where your emails after the first one went. To say I didn’t reply after that is puzzling. How to reply when I have nothing to refer to?I have nothing to hide, there was no desire to con, and I replied to you as I would to anyone who shared my interest: seeking more info and the truth and enriching the knowledge of something so very close to us in Johor..

To say that I accepted the photos for real is quite far from the truth. I was all the time looking for the answers and my qeuries reflected similarly the questions I have just read in the c.c of your questions . from Sean. If I believed them to be absolutley real I would have said so with all the supporting evidences that could not be anything else. But Sean and I did what cannot be accepted now as a good move- to seek the absolute truth and this exposure could have disappoined many including the staunch believers.

Sean have no intentions to lie, cheat or con anyone and we have full respects for the whole community of cryptozoologists. I for no reasons except those known to the critics, we have been under all kinds of extreme critcisms. Why? We believe in our own way of doing things but those out there were impatient while we checked from every angle for the finality of things. I still have hope that the creatures are roaming our jungles and nothing will deter me or Sean from doing what we enjoy inspite of being “shot at” using every small opportunity, to say the least.

Perhaps my main fault was volunteering information freely and willingly and in the process when things could not meet the high expectations, things turned sour.

Mr. Dmitri, I hope I did not appear as some arrogant guy who ignored your experience and status in your field of study and specialization. I have deep profound for individuals who are so dedicated in their pursuits that the website was to tap into the mine of information and advise from people like Loren, yourself and others who have made the subject matter an itegral part of the world’s quest to understand the unknown and undiscovered.

Even now, I have not been discuoraged by curse words, hate mails, personal persecution, and the like. I have not run away; there is no reason to. I have just returned from a 5 day trek in the Johor junles and I have come back empty-handed. Does this mean that I have to give up? I am taking the search of the creatures one day at a time and if it may take me till my last days, it will be in pure pursuit of something I enjoy most in life.

Sean has his own epertise and approaches. We all have our own ways and peculiarities. Mutual respect is all I ask. I am no better that thousands of experts out there. But I have hope and continue my own beliefs that with tenacity, I will continue my personal quest.

Again I wish to thank each and everyone who made a better man of me by all the words that have been free-flowing and directed at us. We have no ill-feelings inspite of all these and other setbacks.

May I wish you and all the best of life and happiness in your pursuits.


Vincent Chow