Hey, Disney: Where Are the Yeti Books?

Disney Yeti

A reader Joshua Cutchin sends along the following email to Cryptomundo today:

I just returned from a visit to Walt Disney World, where I rode Expedition Everest for the first time. While I enjoyed much about the ride (the Yeti was portrayed in a very realistic manner of a white snowman), I have one glaring issue to take with the attraction.

Several books by Loren Coleman are on display in the queue line’s “Yeti Museum”, as well as some of the older literature as well. Yet, at the attraction’s gift shop, there is not one book on hairy bipeds to be found! Why? I assume Mr. Coleman gave permission for his books to be used in the attraction – did Disney not ask about selling some related literature?

My party complained to the checkout worker about this. The response was that “there are books” – but, books only on Everest, not the Yeti itself. The end result is a little bit of an agenda that I’ve found in all the officially-licensed ride-related material: the Yeti is portrayed largely as a “mythical” being. And that really irritated me – miseducation [disinformation] of the public.

Has Mr. Coleman discussed the marketing of his books here? I strongly encourage it, as I believe they would sell very well. – Joshua Cutchin

Disney Yeti

I appreciate learning of this information from Mr. Cutchin.

Of course, no one needs to ask my permission to put my books in their exhibitions. I am encouraged to hear that Disney designers did include, apparently, my Tom Slick Yeti book or books in their “Yeti Museum.”

Likewise, bookstores are hardly ever influenced by an author’s attempts to “sell” a specific venue on carrying their books. I have not tried at the Disney “Yeti Museum” bookstore at Walt Disney World. Perhaps this reader’s and others’ interest in buying real Yeti books will stimulate some interest on the part of Disney World folks. Maybe they will think about stocking my books, Tom Slick: True Life Encounters in Cryptozoology (Fresno, CA: Craven Street-Linden Press, 2002), and The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates (NY: Anomalist Books, 2006), both of which have information on the search for the Abominable Snowmen. Also, they might want to sell others’ books on the Yeti, as well.

If things there change, some of the Cryptomundo readers will keep us informed, I’m sure.