Dmitri Bayanov is currently an active member of the Relict Hominoid Research Seminar at the Darwin Museum, Moscow, Russia.
In Search of the White Orca
The Russians are behind the search.
Captured Russian “Yeti Female”: Man In Suit
#Hoax #Yeti #Russia
Your eyes tell the truth. Video.
Russian Hominologist Dies
Alexandr Fedenyow, 46, has passed away suddenly. Images.
Bayanov Blasts Regal Broadside
#cryptozoology #skeptics #hominology Dmitri Bayanov, International Center of Hominology, has forwarded this response exclusively to Cryptomundo. Images.
Russia’s “Big White Man”
Soldiers named the visitor “Big White Man.” Hundreds of civilians, including policemen, also saw the “Big White Man.”
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