As one expert said, “Yes, it certainly does look like an African lion. It’s not a cougar.”
Essex Lion: Coppers, Crack Shots and Copters
The efforts to find this Mystery Cat have been massive.
Australian Lion
#Cryptozoology #MysteryCats
Three reports of a “feral lioness” near Darwin have been newly recorded.
Early Maned Mystery Cat Case?
This is an old New York State incident.
Wisconsin Rapids Lion, 1949
It was a lion and not a large dog, as they noted the coloring, a bushy mane and tuft on the tail.
North Georgia’s “Lions”
What is a “lion”? Is it an African lion? A maned lion? A female African lion? A mountain lion? A Seibu Lion? A confusing situation exists in one specific southern USA location currently. Images.
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