Two New Poison Dart Frogs Discovered

Two new species of frog, both so-called poison dart frogs because they are the colorful variety possessing toxics used by native peoples on the arrows of their darts, have been located in Colombia. Specifically, they were found in the Central Cordillera of Colombia by Alonso Quevedo from ProAves and Oscar Gallego from Tolima University.

The frogs, just formally announced, were first discovered in July, 2006, when the research team was looking for endangered bird species in the Central Mountain Range.

The new frogs have been given the names Ranitomeya tolimense and Ranitomeya doriswansoni.

reddish frog

Ranitomeya doriswansoni is black and red.

yellowish frog

Ranitomeya tolimense is mostly yellow and has a short fifth toe.

The article announcing their discovery was published on November 14, 2007 by Zootaxa Magazine and summarized in the English magazine, Wildlife Extra, in December.

Source: Wildlife Extra, “Two New Species of Poison Dart Frogs Discovered in Colombia,” December 2007.