Mothman + 40


After the success of The Mothman Prophecies, the sleepy town of Point Pleasant has reawakened.

The organizers of the annual Mothman Festival at the Mothman Museum in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, have announced that they will once again have their event. The 5th annual MOTHMAN FESTIVAL will be held here in downtown Point Pleasant on Saturday and Sunday, September 16th and 17th, 2006. This year will mark the 40th anniversary of MOTHMAN’s debut appearance near the TNT area back in November of 1966 and plans for this year’s festival are already underway.

Mothman Prophecies

The success and magnitude of the MOTHMAN FESTIVAL continues to grow each year at a record pace so make plans now to attend and conduct your own investigative search for one of the world’s most famous winged creatures. See you at the festival !!!


Mothman and Other Curious Encounters