Beautiful New Manta Video



The smaller manta.


The larger manta, the new species.


It truly is a tale of Beauty and the Beast. Dr. Andrea Marshall is shown on a beautiful new video, swimming with the recently discovered manta and discussing her discovery. The scenes remind me of the swimming ballet of The Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Dr. Marshall (pictured above & below) can be viewed on the video by clicking here.



Quite compelling.


Dr. Andrea Marshall is also pictured above. The photo accompanies her notice that she supports her work by conducting trips and tours related to manta research. In one planned trek, it is mentioned it will be “a week of combined science, underwater photography and fun with Dr. Andrea Marshall and Tim Rock. Andrea is the founder of the Mozambique Manta Research Project and is doing some ground-breaking work in the area of manta study and marine science. Tim is a Lonely Planet author and Micronesia-based photojournalist as well as expert Manta shooter. They will be on the dive boats daily along with Manta Man Bill Acker.”


Now…let’s attempt a little manta recognition game. You be the cryptozoologist-of-the-day.

Try to sort out the replicas of manta rays available in museums and aquarium shops. Which represents the smaller species, and which is the new larger, migratory species? Talk about hiding in plain sight!!

Record your choices in comments:



Bullyland Manta Ray.



CollectA Sea Life Collection Manta Ray.



Nature Wonders (in essence, the retired edition of #2) Manta Ray.



Safari Ltd. (type 1 – Monterey Bay Aquarium Collection) Manta Ray.



Safari Ltd. (type 2 – Wild Safari Ltd Sea Life) Manta Ray.



Schleich Manta Ray.

Images of manta replicas courtesy of T.G.F. Toys. Go to T.G.F., type in “manta” in upper righthand corner search box, and reveal direct links to more about each manta replica pictured above.

Our congratulations to Dr. Marshall and her incredible new species discovery!

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