Here are some scheduled Loren Coleman appearances, as presently known for 2016:
Paranormal Faire, Ft. Knox, ME; Aug 13-14, 2016
Topic: “An Introduction to the New International Cryptozoology Museum.”
International Bigfoot Conference 2016, Kennewick, WA; Sept 2, 3, 4, 2016
Topic: “Kennewick Man, Grover Krantz, and More”
Mothman Festival, Point Pleasant, WV; Sept 17-18, 2016
Topic: “Cases Highlighted in the New International Cryptozoology Museum”
Minerva Monster Day & Monster Movie Film Festival, Minerva, OH; Sept 23-24, 2016
Topic: “Minerva Monster Remembered”
Squatchtoberfest, Western Massachusetts, October 1-2, 2016. Topic: Details to follow.
ParaCon 2016, Shooting Star Casino, Mahnomen (Ojibwa for “Wild Rice River”), MN; Oct 6-8, 2016
Topic: “Bigfoot Under Ice? The Minnesota Iceman: Then and Now”
Milwaukee Para Con 2016, Milwaukee, WI; Oct 14-16, 2016
Topic: “The Minnesota Iceman: The Milwaukee Connection and More”
Pick up from me or bring your previously purchased copy of Neanderthal: The Strange Saga of the Minnesota Iceman to any of my appearance for an autograph. Or other old books from your personal collection.
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