What Do You Think of John Keel?

John Keel

John A. Keel was a significant author of works in Forteana, cryptozoology, and ufology in the 1960s and 1970s. His Strange Creatures from Time and Space and The Mothman Prophecies, as well as his numerous articles in magazines, influenced other writers, researchers, and the general public.

After the Mothman book-inspired movie appeared in 2002, interest in Keel resurfaced, briefly. His declining health, few public lectures, and then heart attack, created less attention to Keel than might have been expected.

I was wondering how Cryptomundians consider his impact, legacy, and import today? What place do you think Keel with have in future histories of cryptozoology vs ufology? Are there some in the new generation of cryptozoologists who don’t even know Keel?

Just pondering such matters this morning, for some reason.

John Keel Loren Coleman