Rhettman passes this bulletin on:
April 25, 2012 update on Ray Crowe. The news continues to get worse. We have now entered deathwatch mode. The V.A. Hospital has determined that they are not going to treat Ray further and they are transferring him to a respite/hospice facility. They are expecting Ray to pass on at any time. At this point Ray is in God’s hands. There is still a chance that he may recover, but none of his doctors expects him to recover.
Kate and I talked today and have cried and prayed. She will call me later after they have moved him. Ray and Kate has asked me and my family to come down to Portland, and we are trying to figure out how to make that happen financially and personal time obligation limitations.
Pray for Ray, Kate, and Ray’s family.
+++++++Earlier news+++++++++++++
April 24, 2012 update on Ray Crowe. I wish it was good news. Ray had been transferred to a rehab facility near his home in Hillsboro, Oregon, and things seemed to be going well. On Sunday morning (3 AM) Ray suffered a stroke which paralyzed his left side and suffered a collapse artery in his neck. He was moved back to the V.A. Hospital and given blood thinners. He is regaining motor capabilities in his left slide, slowly. I talked with him and he did present more slowly, a marked difference from when he was in rehab when he sounded like the old Ray I met many years ago.
I am very worried about him. Old good friends are hard to find and it is not good when we lose one and I am praying that Ray is able to recover from this stroke and get back into rehab. Even Ray seems worried at this point and is calling the three volume book that I am working on for him right now his, “Swan song.”
Please pray for Ray. Thank you,
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