The best books of 2015 produced on cryptozoology and, of course, about Bigfoot and Yeti topics, are dominated by a rising trend that looks at the investigators. This is a further evolution of discussions about the searchers, in varied ways continuing the literary inspirations issuing from the popularity of online social media related to Bigfoot, and successful reality programming, like the Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot. These books actually do not come across as pro- or con- cryptozoology or Bigfoot, but merely insightful about their thoughts on the “who” and “why” of the quests.
As with my past “top book lists” on cryptozoology, all of the chosen books are picked from review copies sent or bought, and are strictly nonfiction adult books. It does not contain juvenile, comedic, fictional, contactee, and/or speculative titles.
Needless to say, there are many well-written, thoughtful books published every year. Take for instance, 2015′s Edge of Science, an intelligent examination of the charming Bigfoot investigator Thom Powell’s journey for the last twenty years investigating the unexplained. But since it goes far beyond the parameters of cryptozoology, it just did not meet the criteria for this list. Without such fences, I would have an overwhelming gathering of recommendations.
With those limits in mind, therefore, here is my list of the top 15 cryptozoology books of 2015:
Reflective Works
Seeking Bigfoot by Michael Newton
This is Michael Newton’s 301st book, and in it the author overviews researchers, bloggers, scientists, skeptics, and Bigfooters as he shares methods in the hunt, debates in the quests, and details of some classic cases.
This is a remarkable, groundbreaking book, which takes on the melodrama of DNA research in hominology, as well as looking at the Bigfooters and cryptozoologists involved. I reviewed this book in The Relict Hominoid Inquiry, 4:67-74 (2015). There are little errors in this first edition that I hope are corrected in the paperbound edition expected in 2016.
The Oregon Bigfoot Highway by Joe Beelart and Cliff Olson.
Books like this one would be a good addition to the field for other locations. It is a detailed history of the sightings tied to a specific geographic region of the USA. A real treat.
The Bigfoot Book: The Encyclopedia of Sasquatch, Yeti and Cryptid Primates by Nick Redfern
Asian Wild Man: The Yeti Yeren & Almasty Cultural Aspects & Evidence of Reality by Jean-Paul Debenat (Translated by Paul H. Leblond)
Shadows in the Woods: A Chronicle of Bigfoot in Maine by Daniel S. Green
Loch, Lake, and Sea Monsters
In Search of Lake Monsters, a classic from the 1970s, was revised, updated (Anomalist Books, 2015), with a new cover, by Peter Costello, with a new foreword by Loren Coleman, and a new preface by Bernard Heuvelmans.
Discovering Cadborosaurus by Paul H. Leblond and John Kirk
Loch Ness: From Out of the Depths: Original Newspaper Accounts of the Rise of the Loch Ness Monster – 1933-1934 by Patrick J. Gallagh
General Cryptozoology Books
Cryptozoology Anthology: Strange and Mysterious Creatures in Men’s Adventure Magazines
edited by Robert Deis, David Coleman, and Wyatt Doyle.
A Manifestation Of Monsters: Examining The (Un)Usual Suspects by Karl P.N. Shuker (Foreword by Ken Gerhard)
Strange Creatures Seldom Seen: Giant Beavers, Sasquatch, Manipogos, and Other Mystery Animals in Manitoba and Beyond by John Warms and Jarmo Sinisalo
Best Reprint of the Year
The Spotted Lion by Kenneth Gandar Dower
I shall not include the following books, from the “Loren Coleman Presents” series, in my “best of” list above. Nevertheless, I must pass along these classics, which were delayed from 2014, and did appear in 2015.
One of “The Best Cryptozoology Books of 2014″ has been reissued with a new foreword….
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[...] There are many interesting titles and authors on the list. You can read it here: [...]
[...] that my book Monster Hunters was selected by Loren Coleman of CryptoZoo News as the top pick in his Best Cryptozoology Books of 2015 [...]
[...] we haven’t talked yet about his book, Monster Hunters, which was named by cryptozoology Godfather Loren Coleman as the top cryptozoology book of 2015. In that book, he meets with ghost investigators, UFO researchers, Bigfoot trackers, [...]