Roy Scheider, 75, the actor best known for his role as a police chief in the blockbuster movie Jaws, died on February 10, 2008. The movie brought to the fore the notion that cryptid Megalodons (Carcharodon megalodon) might still be waiting out there in the oceans of the world, ready to be found anew. Megalodon, the 70 foot, 40 ton prehistoric cousin of the great white shark, were seen as even more scary after Jaws set up all large sharks as tooth-laden swimming demons. (Opinions about sharks have shifted back to conservation, but 1975 is the watershed year in increasing [...]
Nyet Strange Wilderness, Si Lara Croft and The Mummy
Talk about a movie drowning in its own swampy mess! I jokingly call for and strongly petition Bigfoot to be removed from this movie, for heaven’s sake, because Bigfoot does not deserve this film. That wasn’t funny, was it? Well, neither is this movie! This may be the worst film to have a Sasquatch in it since the biker flicks made for the drive-in outdoor theaters during the 1970s. The reviews are in and they are not pretty. MSNBC captured it straightforwardly in their review’s headline, “Strange Wilderness scrapes bottom,” and then their subheadline, “Screenwriters seem to have no time [...]
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