The videos from the recent John Green tribute and conference are beginning to appear. Here are some examples. Images. Videos.
March 20, 2011: 51st Anniversary
Guess where I found myself? Images.
The Phoenix Says Nice Things
More words of praise from the locals. Images.
Thank You, Readers!
Much appreciation is sent out to all. Image.
Big Cats Conference Cancelled: Curses!
I received an extremely depressing email this morning. For a number of reasons. Images.
50th Anniversary on Obscura Day
My thanks to all the folks who remembered this day and joined me at the museum for the celebration. Images.
Obscura Day Is Here!
Shockingly exclusive photos of a very small Bigfoot, newly captured in pictures, along with other unique cryptids too. Images.
Cryptozoology Milestone
Mike Esordi has produced a nice tribute. Video.
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