In the last two decades, bound book length anthologies have begun to be published, often within a broader Fortean literature context. These volumes have served as a near-scholarly platform for the publication of cryptozoological and Fortean thoughts.
In answer to a reader’s question, here are the Loren Coleman contributions written for The Anomalist, Fortean Studies, Dark Lore, and La Gazette Fortéenne. Below are the titles of the items and the links to finding them online or in print:
The Anomalist 13 “Between Worlds: The Three Nephites.” San Antonio, TX: Anomalist Books, 2007. Patrick Huyghe, ed.
Darklore. Volume 1. “Bigfoot’s Bogus Burial.” Brisbane, Australia: Daily Grail, 2007. Greg Taylor, ed.
La Gazette Fortéenne Vol. 3. “L’homme congelé du Minnesota” (“The Minnesota Iceman”). Paris: Editions de l’Oeil du Sphinx, 2004. Jean-Luc Rivera, ed.
The Anomalist 10. ”Bigfoot Labeled: A Depression-Era Image from California Discovered.” San Antonio, TX: Anomalist Books, 2002. Patrick Huyghe, ed.
La Gazette Fortéenne Vol. 1“Le Windigo” (“The Windigo”). Paris: Editions de l’Oeil du Sphinx, 2002. Jean-Luc Rivera, ed.
For more about giants, see True Giants.
Fortean Studies Vol. 7. “Monsters of the 21st Century: The Role of Hybrids in Cryptozoology.” London: Fortean Times, 2001. Ian Simmons and Melanie Quin, eds.
The Anomalist 5. Backscatter: Reply to Letters on “De Loy’s Photograph: A Tool of Racism.” (with Michel Raynal). San Antonio, TX: Anomalist Books, 1997. Patrick Huyghe, ed.
The Anomalist 4. “De Loy’s Photograph: A Tool of Racism.” (with Michel Raynal). San Antonio, TX: Anomalist Books, 1996. Patrick Huyghe, ed.
The Anomalist 2. “Was the First ‘Bigfoot’ a Hoax?” San Antonio, TX: Anomalist Books, 1995. Patrick Huyghe, ed.
The Anomalist 1. “Incendiary Poltergeists, Spontaneous Human Combustion and Fire Suicide Clusters.” San Antonio, TX: Anomalist Books, 1994. Patrick Huyghe, ed.
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