Update Vote Count: “Best Cryptozoologist”

Thank you for enjoying yourself and voting for the “Best Cryptozoologist.” We have now broken all records set in 2006, thanks to Cryptomundians.

As you may recall, Paul Kimball opened his “2007 Zorgy Awards” for voting, based on the nominations he had received, a few days ago. He included a new category for voting this year (9th down on his list): “Best Cryptzoologist.”

Here’s an update: Kimball reports that the folks from Cryptomundo are “rocking the vote” in his tallies. Of all the polls, as of mid-November, the “cryptozoologist” one is getting the most votes. The others have barely brought in half as many votes, and yet your involvement has garnered over 455 votes for cryptozoologists. Thank you for your support of me in the voting, and it appears I have an early lead. But, there’s about 45 days to go and I can’t let my guard down.

If you decide to click for me, I would appreciate your vote. Hey, I’m not above continued campaigning. It runs in the blood of most Americans, I suppose, and it’s an election year. As it turns out, I am the only American on the list, and a Scottish-Cherokee-American to boot.

The three other nominees are from the UK, and one, Nick Redfern, is also running for “Best Ufologist,” so his fans have a backup plan. (Indeed, as an update, Redfern is making a good run at taking over the ufologist, ufomystic, and ufo hall of fame voting. I’m watching my cryptozoological flank against that ufo dude.) :-)

If you wish to vote, click here and scroll down the page. “Best Cryptozoologist” is lower on the page.

As soon as you vote, you will see the current results instantly.

So go vote. No comments here. Let your votes do the talking for cryptozoology. Have fun.

Let’s see if by the sheer numbers of cryptozoology votes, a statement can be made, as the Zorgys become the new Oscars in this genre.

Cryptids rule the world, as we know.