Abominable Snowmen Are Hot!

New images and news of Yetis being celebrated are demonstrating a growing renewed interest in the ancient hairy ones of the Himalayan Mountains.

RobRoy Menzies Yeti

Above is a new image of the Yeti by artist RobRoy Menzies (pictured below), who was profiled over the weekend on his local NBC affiliate (click here).

Menzies’ illustration is intriguing because he is showing how these creatures can seemingly merge with their environment. No doubt a rare few Abominable Snowmen, who are more often reported to be reddish-brown than white, are lighter colored. Perhaps there’s a winter coat color phrase that is off-white in rare cases, and a brown one for the hot months spent in the montane valleys?

As far as Menzies’ treatment of the feet of the Met-Teh (the large mansized Yeti), the image is done without reference to the more pongid configuration of the tracks found by various Abominable Snowmen hunters and locals. The feet of Klyver’s and Trumbore’s Yeti below are more realistic attempts to capture what shows in the Eric Shipton (1951) footprint photograph. The Disney interpretation is the one least based in reality, and trails off into entertainment fantasy.

RobRoy Menzies Bigfoot

Meanwhile, in Paris…

Yeti Art

A new exhibition has opened highlighting the Yetis of Ludovic Boulard Le Fur.

Richard Klyver Abominable Snowman

In Maine, former Pennsylvania art professor, now a successful wildlife and closet cryptozoo artist, Richard Klyver has completed his remarkable Abominable Snowman, as shown above, for his new tee-shirts. He is generously donating $2.50 from the sale of each tee-shirt to support my cryptozoology research. Pick up one of the hottest cryptids on a tee for the hot months.

If interested in purchasing, please contact Klyver at windigo2@myfairpoint.net to talk to him about PayPal or snail mail check payment. The cost is $20 per shirt and includes domestic postage, for one shirt (sizes S, M, L, XL), with the Abominable Snowman on it. Be sure to include your shipping address with your PayPal payment.

For more on the history of Yeti searching, including the grand years involving Tom Slick, Sir Edmund Hillary, and other American, English, and Japanese expeditions, pick up Tom Slick: True Life Encounters in Cryptozoology (Fresno, CA: Craven Street-Linden Press, 2002). The book is going to be made into a major motion picture in the next half decade, but details on the specifics are top secret right now.

Disney Yeti

Down in Florida, the Disney World attraction Expedition Everest continues to have much success as an attraction recreating the hunt for the Yeti in the 1950s.

Trumbore Yeti

Finally, Harry Trumbore’s drawing of a Yeti appeared in a 2006 field guide.