What’s In Your Yeti Collection?

Henry Stokes is to be congratulated for taking his passion for Yeti, and turning it into an important and significant online archive of Yeti in popular culture.

His site, “I Love the Yeti” definitely deserves your visits, now and then. Of course, being a devotee of the Abominable Snowmen, Snowwomen, and Snowpeople, in general, myself, I love Henry’s love site.

But I am always interested in pulling the curtain aside. So, the other day, I asked Henry to send me a photograph of his own personal collection of Yeti and related kin collectibles.

He did and also posted it at his site. Here it is below: “My Yeti Collection.
henry's yetis

Okay, what do you notice? Right, they are all white. The reality appears entirely different.

What kind of Yeti replicas and toys do you have? Show me yours.

Meanwhile, Henry and I are posting two separate but linked blogs about the evolution of Yeti in popular culture.

Stay tuned.