Thanksgiving CZ Style

"America goes cryptozoology crazy"

So asked Wired News, through an introspective look in Mark Baard’s article, in which he wrote the simple but true words, "It’s a hot topic at the moment."

Look back to just a year ago, to the discovery of the "hobbits" of Flores Islands, as the media called them, when Henry Gee, the editor of Nature wrote in October 2004: “The discovery of Homo floresiensis makes it much more likely that stories of other mythical, human-like creatures are founded on grains of truth. In the light of the Flores skeleton, a recent initiative to scour central Sumatra for ‘orang pendek’ can be viewed in a more serious light. This small, hairy, manlike creature has hitherto been known only from Malay folklore, a debatable strand of hair and a footprint. Now, cryptozoology, the study of such fabulous creatures, can come in from the cold."

This is a time of historical significance, and if you see instances of this, pass them along. What we are experiencing is a legacy unfolding and happening right before our eyes, and we should not lose it.

Cryptozoology has much to be thankful for during this last year. Happy Thanksgiving to All.