

One of Linda Godfrey’s illustrations of you-know-what.

The movie Skinwalkers opens today, so it might be time to learn more about Skinwalkers: What Are They?, from The Daily Grail.

“The Best Fortean Cryptozoology Book of 2005″ picked here at Cryptomundo was Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah by Colm A. Kelleher and George Knapp.

Kelleher and Knapp are the authors of the Skinwalkers item at TDG.

I first wrote about Skinwalkers in 1975, in

Creatures of the Other Edge, on pages 109-111.

“They go very fast,” the Diné man told anthropologist William Morgan (as I quoted from “Human-Wolves Among the Navaho,” in Yale Publications in Anthropology, XI, 1936).

And so they may….