Ryan Dube has a new posting worthy of your time. See “Skeptics Attack for the Sake of Attacking.”
Dube writes, in part:
…it only takes one look at The Mad Skeptic’s own list of topics to see that Myron had to grasp at straws to find something damaging to post about Loren. The Mad Skeptic claims to be solely based on skepticism, but Myron himself has written about the latest breaking news ranging from the Tourettes-syndrome outbreak in NY to “Weight Training” (say what?), to even sexism and gender issues.
I’m not saying this is a bad thing – Myron is just doing what most bloggers do, covering topics that are of interest to him, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
However, in attacking Loren for writing about what he reads in the morning paper, Myron is doing the old “pot calling the kettle black” dance…
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