Before anyone pulls another #Ketchum and leaks future details about a study that hasn’t been published, let’s set the record straight. It was Igor Burtsev who began the leakage, which Melba Ketchum, yes, yes, made worse by leaking more.
But for the record, here’s Burtsev’s Facebook-published public reply to this question: “I have one question, what motivated you to share what you did today?
… and that you simply didn’t understand that you weren’t supposed to release the information until the American Journal first published the results.”
Igor Burtsev’s answer, complete with errors left in due to English being his second language:
We waited a couple of years the scientific publication by Dr. Melba Ketchum. But scientific magazines refuse to publish her nanuscript which deserves to be published. And I want to remind some facts of the destiny of scolars in our field.
Before the First World War our zoologist Vitaly Khahlov described the creature, named it Primihomo asiaticus. He send his scientific peport very circumstantial, thorough to the Russian Academy of Sciences. And what? The report was put into the box, and had stayed there till 1959, about half of century. Until Dr. Porshnev found it and published…
Dr. Porshnev himself had written a monograph “The present State of the Question of Relict Hominoids”. It was issued in 1963 by the Academy of Sciences in some 180 copies only, for a special use. Only after a half of century (again!) it was publishe 1n 2012 in 2500 copies…
In 1960ths Mongolian Academician Rinchen had sent the skull of supposed almas to Poland, because our anthropologists refused to study it. Poland’s anthropologist made a sculptural portrait of that creature, Rinchen called it Homo sapiens almas in 1960ths. But – it has been forgotten till last years… Again half a century!
I don’t want the new discovery (not the first one, but the next one) to wait for another half a century to be recognized by haughty official scientific establishment!
That is why I broke the tradition, did not let this acheavement to wayt for ne[t half a century to be recognized. No matter of the publication in the scientific magazine^ people should know NOW, what bigfoot/sasquatch is.
As I know, one third of population of the USA believe in exuiosting of these creatures. And they deserve to know WHAT THEY ARE.
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