Days of Mothman Malaise


Despite strange dark clouds on the horizon, there does seem to be more promising news on 76-year-old John A. Keel’s slow recovery from his heart attack.

Keel, as this Mothman time of year rapidly approaches, is recuperating nicely, still in a New York-area hospital. He may be released today or tomorrow, and then be admitted to a rehab center for a few days of physical therapy.

Details are still emerging about the recent events. Figuring out an exact date for Keel’s heart attack is developing into a mystery unto itself. He apparently had a covert one a few days before he went to the hospital on Friday the 13th. He’s not sure, himself, and by the time doctors noticed something was amiss that weekend, the surgery of October 16th was necessary.

Sci Fi Investigates Mothman

Intriguingly, this is all happening as the first time screening of the "Sci-Fi Investigates" episode on Mothman is set for October 25th. Keel was not involved with that project.


Of course, the unofficial 40th anniversary does occur on November 15th, and there is the recent re-awakened talk of the "The Mothman Death Curse" regarding Mothman documentary producer Lisa McIntosh’s passing.

John Keel

And now, in the midst of all of this, comes Keel’s heart troubles. It appears Mothman is once again coming to the fore.

I wonder if some cable channel will re-broadcast The Mothman Prophecies for Halloween?

3 Responses

  1. javarama
    javarama October 23, 2006 at 4:23 pm |

    Boston dude believes in Mothman, but not in Bigfoot??

  2. Jeffro
    Jeffro October 24, 2006 at 1:26 am |

    I hope they show mothman prophecies on TV so I can TiVO it. I have yet to see it.

  3. Loren Coleman
    Loren Coleman October 26, 2006 at 8:39 am |

    Sci Fi’s Mothman Non-Investigation

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