The Mothman Waffle Fry

Mothman Fry

Correspondent Scott Foy sends along the above photograph for sharing at Cryptomundo, and the following detailed enjoyable document about his found mysterious object:

I don’t know if you guys could care one way or another but I figured if nothing else this might give everyone a good laugh. It’s not everyday one has an edible encounter with a cryptid.

Last week I was running late to work and decided to pop into Chick-Fil-A to grab a quick meal to bring with me. I get to work and start munching away on my chicken strips and fries combo when I came down to the very last fry in the box. When I looked at what I was holding in my hand I couldn’t help but notice a familiar resemblance. And that’s when it hit me: Mothman!

I know this sounds incredibly goofy and the mere fact that I took a look at this thing and almost instantly spotted a creature of cryptozoology probably says more about me than anything else, but, hey, if images of Jesus and the Virgin Mary can appear on tortillas and grilled cheese sandwiches then why can’t the Mothman reappear in the form of a waffle fry?

I dare not eat the Mothman Waffle Fry. The Silver Bridge collapsed after people saw the Mothman, lord knows what my befall someone who were to eat it. I don’t even want to know what the Mothman could possibly due to my bowels. Heck, I’m already risking my bowels as it is just by eating at Chick-Fil-A.

For the record, the Chick-Fil-A Bowl took place on December 31st without incident. No one died and nothing collapsed except for Clemson’s defense.

The Mothman Waffle Fry currently resides in my freezer where I have chosen to store it while I try and decide what, if anything to do with it. Do I toss it in the trash and chalk it up to a curious yet ludicrous anomaly or do I sell it on ebay? Some loon actually paid $28,000 for a grilled cheese sandwich believed to have the image of the Virgin Mary burnt into it so perhaps some other loon out there would be willing to pay a few bucks for a fast food cryptid? I don’t know.

Whatever comes of it, I found this whole deal amusing and thought you might too.

Happy New Year! ~ by Scott Foy, January 1, 2008.