The Chimp and the Nudists


Moe, file photo.

Searchers investigated reports that Moe, the missing California-based chimpanzee, may have been spotted at nearby Deer Park Nudist Resort, though a manager there said she had heard nothing about any sightings.

Tracks found near there were discovered to be too old.

Which leads me to wonder, does that mean that some other chimpanzee or unknown anthropoid ape was around there before Moe escaped?

“Friday, I was told he was seen down at the nudist colony,” one of the search organizers told the media.

However, Deer Park Nudist Resort Office Manager Lea Bush said she had not heard anything about Moe roaming the grounds. The camp has been at the same site since 1935 and has about 60 residents throughout the year and no chimp sightings in its history.

Fifteen animal handlers have been scouring the San Bernardino National Forest day and night in hopes of locating Moe.

“I spent Monday night on the mountain,” Raymond Garcia, animal handler and volunteer searcher, said. “The terrain is rough. It’s hard to handle even with four-wheel drive.”

Searchers remain optimistic that Moe may still be in the area and living off an abundant supply of water and foliage. A search helicopter has seen a family of bears and a bobcat, but no chimp.

“He’s eventually going to come down looking for food and human contact,” Garcia said.

While Moe may be able to survive in the San Bernardino National Forest, the likelihood of a safe return decreases as each day passes.


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