Mande Burung Breast Feeds Captive

Mande Burung Johor Bigfoot

Please click on the above cartoon for a larger image.

Remember June 2007 when artist Peter Loh, making contact from Singapore, sent in the above illustration to go with the breaking news (here, here, here) coming hot out of the rainforests of South Asia of a strange new creature, the Mande Burung (= Wild Jungle People)?

The hominoid is back in the news.

“Meghalaya” literally means “The Abode of Clouds” and is the name of a small state in northeast India.

Chad Arment makes reference to a news item about the Achik Tourism Society (ATS) studying the Mande Burung of the Garo Hills in Meghalaya, which is “assumed to be an ape like creature like the Yeti.” (The ATS was previously cited as the source of the past Mande Burung too.)

mande burung

An artist’s impression of the Mande Burung.

The May 6th article notes:

The ATS has also come up with very comprehensive report and descriptions of Mande Burung or the so-called Bigfoot. It is big, apelike creature with thick hair covering its entire body. The colour of the hair is reported to be black or blackish brown. It has some kind of foul odour/smell emanating from the body. It has a footprint/pug mark size from 13 inches to 15 inches in length. It may be around 7’5″ to 9’ tall. It may weigh around 300 kgs. It is noted to be herbivorous creature, who eats banana, tubes, tree roots, fruits, berries, barks of some trees, sawe trees and is also reported to eat crabs. It walks on two legs (biped). (As reported in 2002 sighting). It sleeps in the nest built on the open ground (as reported in 2002 sighting). It is shy and is basically harmless (as reported in 2005 sighting). It is a creature with phenomenal strength.

The article also intriguingly mentions that:

Those who have seen this ape like mammal have interesting stories to reveal. It is reported by the villagers that on one occasion, a man who was passing through a forest was captured by this mammal and forcibly made him do breast feeding. This was reported on January 18, 1999. His account said, “The milk was sour with a mixture of bitterness.”

almas escape

yeti carving