“Maine Mutant” Celebrated

When the media began dealing with the report of a body of uncertain identity in Maine on the 16th of August, they soon went wild with the story of the find and the even older tales of a killing mystery beast in the woods.

For background, see:

August 16, 2006 – Mystery Animal Photos


August 17, 2006 – Mystery Beast Update

Cryptozoology is revealed in many ways. It is intriguing to see what kind of media frenzy is occurring because of this story. For the record, here’s some headlines that were used on the 16th and 17th of August, 2006:

CBS4Boston, Boston: “Mystery Beast Discovered In Maine.”

Associated Press, Drudge Report, Conservative Voice (NC), CBS-News, newspapers nationwide: “‘Hybrid Mutant’ Found Dead in Maine.”

ABC-TV affiliates nationwide, Boston Globe: “Residents wonder if dead animal is legendary mystery beast.”

WMTW, Portland, Maine: “Is Dead Animal Legendary ‘Mystery Beast?’”

In Madagascar, the media decided to go with the headline: “Killer ‘Hybrid Mutant’ Creature Found Dead in Maine.”

Since over 75 media sources around the world decided to use the “Hybrid Mutant…in Maine” phrasology, I present to you an illustration from artist and graphic designer Mike Lemos of Ventura, California, who sends in the following contribution to Cryptomundo:

Maine Mystery Beast