Steve Lindsey, from The Oregon Bigfoot Highway.
Joseph H. Beelart passes along this sad news:
My good friend, a witness very rarely told, and very expert, experienced, and below-the-radar Bigfooter, Steve Lindsey passed away [on October 17, 2018] this morning. [Steve was] about 63, fit. He was profiled in The Oregon Bigfoot Highway….
Of all things, from the life he led as a warrior, accomplished mountaineer, and more; in dry weather, without leaf cover, he slipped on the steps of his house breaking his skull on concrete.
…Maybe most important Steve was committed to his wife. And, he was an expert steelhead fisherman!
Guy Edwards and Steve Lindsey have some fun at the Bigfoot researchers’ social event in Oregon, Beachfoot 2014.
Steve a few years ago solving life’s mysteries (at Beachfoot) with Joe Beelart, Cliff Barackman, and Kirk Sigurdson. ~ Russ Lockrem
Ed Brown and Steve Lindsey, Beachfoot 2015
Steve Lindsey, Rictor Riolo, and Linda Lair Lindsey, Beachfoot 2014
From The Oregon Bigfoot Highway (2015), we find, on page 292:
Steven N. Lindsey
Portland, Oregon
B: 1952. For over 30 years Steven N. Lindsey has been going up the Clackamas [Oregon] to hunt and fish. He says he’s camped approximately 300 night above Estacada, mostly during the times when fishing was good, and also during deer and elk seasons.
In the mid-70s during a hike near Elk Meadows on the northeast slope of Mt. Hood he found his first tracks: “Unmistakable, new immediately what I’d found.” Steve first cast tracks in the Clackamas near Skookum Lake in 1987, the first of several good casts he took from that area. In May 2014 he found a Thomas-style site on Devil’s Ridge.
Beelart also mentioned that
Steve hiked Mt. St. Hood several times, as well as Mt. St. Helens many times before it erupted. He worked search and rescue.
He fished the Clackamas and was the source of two fishing stories in The Oregon Bigfoot Highway; the “monster” in the bushes, and the “stolen steelhead.”
Please note that Lindsey’s memorable experiences took place in two areas that carry the names of locations often remembered for their special links to Bigfoot – Skookum Lake and Devil’s Ridge.
[...] Bigfooter Steve Lindsey Dies Tragically [...]