Kent Cat Mystery Solved

The results of a followup investigation on the photograph of this apparent unknown cat taken earlier in 2008, at a golf course at Snodland, a small town in the county of Kent, England, have been filed. A new photograph (at the bottom) nails it.

Big Cats in Britain (BCIB) founder-researcher Mark Fraser sends along the solution to the Mystery Cat from Kent photograph:

Hi Loren, unfortunately the Kent cat on the golf course turned out to be a Burmese.

A local BCIB chap visited the area and reported:

I have been to the golf course today and had a good look around, I have attached some photos I took. When I went in to the golf house to ask permission too look around take pics I explained what I was doing. He seemed interested until I showed him the photograph. He said “I know this cat, he comes here often. He looks big in this photo but I can assure you he is only small, he lives in one of those houses over there.”

He was very helpful and pointed me to the exact place the photo was taken. I took the photos I needed then spent nearly two hours walking the course talking to the golfers showing the photo and discussing what they think. About half said that looks big should I be worried? A few said its hard to make out and even less said I have seen that cat about here before, its a Siamese or cross something but its only small.

I feel the photo sent to us was enlarged, defiantly cropped judging by what I have seen today. It must have been taken by laying or crouching on the ground. I spoke to the witness and feel he genuinely thinks he saw something unusual so he may not have meant to make the cat look bigger than it is. I will let every one make there own minds up and any feed back is more than welcome but I know what I think the cat is.