Goat Mt. Bigfoot Hoax

Unfortunately, someone has decided to re-post the following Goat Mountain “Bigfoot” footage on YouTube during August 2008.

But this is from 1996, and is a created fiction.

It first appeared on National Geographic’s television special, “Bigfoot Monster Mystery” (1997).

The program aired a presentation of its hoaxed footage, known as the “Goat Mountain, Oregon November 1996 footage.”

The 1997 documentary was produced for British Channel 4 by Mark Scullet and directed by Norman Hull.

This program traces the efforts of British biologist and wildlife cameraman John Waters as he investigates and half-heartedly tries to film a Sasquatch. The show ultimately ends with an attempt to create a convincing hoax, which all agree is very difficult.

It also shows Patrick Denver, costume maker, (below) helping create the hoax attempt.