Two competing “Bigfoot” expeditions that appear to have more to do with media attention, got in the news over the weekend.
1) Over the weekend, the members of Matt Moneymaker’s Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization’s 2008 West Virginia Expedition did report hearing sounds and finding tracks believed to have been made by the elusive, apelike creature.
We heard wood knocks along the Greenbrier River last night. ~ Steve Willis,
a Cowen native and retired Army officer now living in Virginia, who led the expedition.
2) Meanwhile, in an account published over the weekend, according to a news reporter’s words, “In March, filmmaker and self-proclaimed Bigfoot hunter Tom Biscardi and his five-man team visited Bishopville to discover the truth of the Lee County incident.”
Therefore, while hot on the trail of the older Lizardman accounts, Biscardi also was looking into the damage that occurred to Bob and Dixie Rawson’s van on February 28, 2008.
Biscardi said he doesn’t know if Bishopville’s latest incident is related to the 1988 sighting of the Lizard Man.
I am going to talk with Liston Truesdale, who was the sheriff 20 years ago. But I’m mainly concerned with what happened to the Rawsons’ van. I haven’t fallen off a turnip truck. I’m a firm believer that what you have down here is unknown. ~ Tom Biscardi
Other than the fact, in using a common enough phrase, no doubt, Biscardi has offended numerous drivers of turnip trucks, let’s move on from that.
Biscardi doesn’t buy local authorities’ theory that a coyote damaged the Rawsons’ van.
Obviously, in an effort to endear himself to the local authorities, Biscardi had this to say:
I have to admit I have a problem here in South Carolina. What is law enforcement doing to protect these people? Where is the Department of Natural Resources? Where are the game wardens? What is going on here? ~ Tom Biscardi
Of course, one further question would be: Does anyone actually think we will ever really know what’s “going on here” with Biscardi’s “critical insights” into the case?
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