Tales of the Rich, Famous and Cryptozoological

Who is Christopher Foyle? What do the rich and famous do with their money? Why don’t they donate it to the International Cryptozoology Museum via PayPal at lcoleman@maine.rr.com ?

Ah, the questions one has while waiting in an airport for an economy class seat…ha ha.

Richard Kay, recently writing for The Daily Mail, noted:

The mystery of why Christopher Foyle, the nephew of the late and eccentric bookshop owner Christina, decided to quit Britain for sunnier climes is at last explained – he is off to live in tax exile in Monaco.

“I’m looking forward to bumping into Sir Philip Green, Dame Shirley Bassey and many others!” says Foyle, 65, who had to buy back his aunt’s famous shop because she left most of her £60 million estate to charity.

Foyle, who left for Monte Carlo this week, intends to spend up to nine months a year there and also travel with his wife, Catherine, to other exotic destinations.

But far from retiring, he tells me: “I have a number of projects to pursue on a range of subjects including aviation, history and cryptozoology.” Cripes!

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If Christopher Foyle is reading this…more power to you! Enjoy your getaway!

And let Cryptomundians know about your cryptozoology projects.