New Orang Pendek Expedition

Adam Davies, who left on September 2, 2007, is in the midst of another expedition in pursuit of Orang Pendek in Sumatra, in conjunction with a History Channel documentary. While on site, obviously with a camera crew, Davies is meeting up with a British photographer Jeremy Holden, who worked with Debbie Martyr.

Davies is hoping to build on his successful track finds of his previous trips to Sumatra. Exploration of areas with current activity and previous footprint finds will hopefully produce more positive results. Any links between Orang Pendek and Homo floresiensis will also be investigated.

The following photographs are from the past explorations of Sumatra by Adam Davies and Andrew Sanderson.

The rather specific Orang Pendek track they found, photographed, and cast, shows toes at the end of the foot and something out to the side, which may be from another toe, the hallux (which would be typical for a pongid).

Orang Pendek


The Extreme Expeditions pages show the obtaining of the 2004 cast in Sumatra, on their pages 13 through 15. They also show where and how they obtained the 2001 cast (below) here, the original that was on display at Bates College (of which I now have a first-generation copy).

Orang Pendek Cast

Please click on the image for a larger version.

Orang Pendek Cast

Please click on the image for a larger version.