One Response

  1. iamsandybb
    iamsandybb September 5, 2006 at 12:50 pm |

    re: mothman ,first off i am not a debunker and this is just a guess…After reading your artical about mothman,i then watched the movie “mothman prophicies “and could not help but associate it with cia experiments on innocent civilians(or since this government alows other agencies to operate with in its boarders maybe other agencies ) i belive tech perhaps electronic or frequency in nature are the root causes of these disturbances .i also had just finished watching a documentary on the cia and its hanis experiments with mind control .having experienced the mind altering effects of “hemisink” and “synchronicity” thru foundations that are located near where i reside i can tell you these illusions are possible to create with the right thecnology .(there are proceedings taking place by large human rights organizations to prevent the evil use of such tech from continuing to re-occurr )how ever going up against the goobernment requesting that it stop hurting its own people is like asking a blood thirsty pit viper not to bite someone poking it with a stick .the tech to cause vivid hulusinations with out an audable or detechable source has been out there for about 30 or more years,probally longer it just hasnt been as published untill recently .the phone calls were the key clue to this possibility .this tech breaches reality viea inaudable frequencies.

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