My Comic Life


My sinister dark side (above) is given some cartoon life, circa 2000, by an unknown artist on Fox TV’s “Freaky Links” production team (who had just become famous for their Blair Witch Horror).

It is weird to see yourself through others’ eyes and realize the vision can be so similar, or not, among different artists. I’ve been on television, my photograph is not rare, and yet, here’s how artists, years apart, “see me.”

Coleman Wadworth

In 2004, racing through the pages of Swamp Thing #7 and #8, I was depicted as “Coleman Wadsworth,” cryptozoologist (above and directly below, running for my life from the Swamp Thing).

Swamp Thing Thumbnail

The story is by Will Pfeifer and art by Richard Corben. My end is death in #8 at the hands of a villian, but I was told by the comic book people that characters do come back to life, so not to worry.

Loren Coleman Crypto-Man

Click on image for full-size version

Above, created by artist Tom Holtkamp, circa 1999, is an unpublished full panel (only revealed if you click on it). The comic itself is still in development and pre-production hell. This is an early version of what I think of as “Trenchcoat Loren.”

Loren Coleman Crypto-Man

Above, the new old Loren has been created by artist Peter Loh, 2006, for the Crypto-Man comic series. Scott Marlowe is Crypto-Man; my character is an investigative guest.

Updated Image for 2007 from Peter Loh.

Loren Coleman