Can you identify this mystery fish found on an old postcard? (Click on image to see full size version) Is there a Cryptomundo reader out there that can help? The men in the picture look like military servicemen. The surroundings look like this photograph was taken on a beach or island. The fish appears to be about six feet long (notice the yard or meter stick lying next to it). But where are the fins on this cryptid (or even a tail)? What is it? Send in a comment if you know what this cryptid fish might be. Added note: [...]
Bates and Halloween
Some cities and towns begin celebrating Halloween early, today, on a Saturday night. The theory goes that parents and kids won’t be in conflict with the "night before school" bedtimes during the rest of the weekend. That way, they all get one extra hour of sleep to dream of curious creatures and other wonders. I know I will be. For kids, college students, adults, moms, and dads attending the Bates College Cryptozoology Symposium, Halloween came early with talk of monsters, art, cryptids, fantastic cabinets of curios, sculptures, creatures, Hobbits, cryptozoology, Sea Serpents, installments, natural history museums, imagination, imagery, Bigfoot, and [...]
Media Day
Media Day, Cryptozoology, and Halloween I am happy you found your way to Cryptomundo. But think about it, how do people hear about cryptozoology? From the media, of course. Television reality programming, books, radio shows, the internet, movies, magazines. All forms of the media, creating a whole new set of cryptozoologists-in-training. There are many choices out there for people, and oftentimes cryptozoologists are asked to do interviews. I do them because I am interested in a serious, adventurous, scientific profile of cryptozoology being shared with the public. Many teachers and parents have told me that nonreaders have turned into readers [...]
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