Breaking News

Woodpecker Highlights New Species

Highland Park native Scott Simon is one of the heroes behind the effort to save the ivory-billed woodpecker. A revealing profile demonstrates other species are being discovered too. "A boy who played in Highland Park’s ravines now co-directs The Nature Conservancy of Arkansas efforts to save a species once thought to be extinct," writes reporter Kenneth Patchen in the Highland Park News. At a presentation mid-week at Chicago’s Field Museum, Scott D. Simon, 38, and his associates noted the progress taking place with their ivory-billed woodpecker conservation work. Simon added: "This year we found three species that were not previously [...]

Mothman Continued

I will be giving a slide lecture about Mothman and other cryptid mysteries on Saturday, December 3, 2005, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I look forward to meeting Jacques Vallee, Brent Raynes, Stan Friedman, Greg Little, Sandra Martin, and any Cryptomundo readers at the conference. Please identify yourself as such to me, and come say hi. Anyone have any new (2002-2005) Mothman or giant bird sightings to share with people there or here?

Name the Mystery Fish Continued…

The Mystery Continues: Strange Fish Remains Unidentified Over 25,000 visits to the "Name the Mystery Fish" Cryptomundo blog produced some interesting leads, a dating for the postcard, and much speculation on what the unknown fish species might be. But the mystery continues… Yesterday’s blog "Name the Mystery Fish" received an enormous amount of interest and generated the largest number of comments seen here yet. It continues to stimulate speculation across the Internet. The case remains open as to when, where, and what kind of fish is pictured. The identification of this specimen is still unsolved and your further comments are [...]

Editors and Thunderbirds

Editors: Expand Your Thunderbird Awareness An Illinois newspaper’s answer columnist Ms. Brenda Story attempts to tackle a cryptozoological question in her "Hotline" column on November 28th, with the standard terrible results. Peoria, Illinois Journal-Star’s Ms. Story was asked by a reader if she remembers the "story circulating around the Peoria area about a ‘giant bird’ that was spotted by several people around the area" in the 1970s. "My co-workers all think that I have lost my mind as they don’t recall anything like that," complained the reader. It is amazing how short memories can be. Ms. Story notes she "checked [...]

Mothman Dreams

Recently on the program, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, I appeared to discuss Mothman. Lots of folks called in with questions and their sightings. Interest remains high in the 1966-1967 elements of the story of John A. Keel’s investigations in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, of a giant flying creature. Today the accounts are associated with all kinds of elements of occultism, demonology, and ufology, mostly due to how Keel told the tale. But cryptozoology underlies the initial reports, of course. Nevertheless, it is remarkable how fiction and the facts have become mixed and confused in the Mothman chronicles. [...]

Thanksgiving CZ Style

"America goes cryptozoology crazy" So asked Wired News, through an introspective look in Mark Baard’s article, in which he wrote the simple but true words, "It’s a hot topic at the moment." Look back to just a year ago, to the discovery of the "hobbits" of Flores Islands, as the media called them, when Henry Gee, the editor of Nature wrote in October 2004: “The discovery of Homo floresiensis makes it much more likely that stories of other mythical, human-like creatures are founded on grains of truth. In the light of the Flores skeleton, a recent initiative to scour central [...]

Strange New Species

New Children’s CryptoZoo Book News Cryptozoology books are not as rare as they use to be, but new ones for young people are rather sparse. However, a good one that has recently appeared is Strange New Species: Astonishing Discoveries of Life on Earth, by Elin Kelsey, (from Maple Tree, 96 pages, $19.95, ages 9 to 14), with a forward by Marc van Roosmalen. As a review in the Globe and Mail on November 20th summarizes, in part, the new discoveries of animals, thusly: “Astonishing is the right word, especially when you consider just the findings of Marc van Roosmalen, a [...]

Maine’s Dog Killer cont.

Investigative reporter Mark LaFlamme continues his inquiries into Maine’s mystery beast with a new article published in the November 18, 2005, Lewiston Sun-Journal. Widespread interest and comments have been generated through LaFlamme’s initial article which was then mentioned in my earlier blog here, and that Cryptomundo comment was noted in David Pescovitz’s Boing Boing column. Today, reporter LaFlamme zeroes in on the probable best candidates for the central Maine dog killer and attacker, issuing from comments we all are now receiving. After relating that the dog "Buddy" has happily been reunited with its owners, Mark LaFlamme comments on the cryptid [...]