If you live in San Antonio, Texas, you may know there is a new Tom Slick book out. If you live in San Antonio, you might also know there have been two other books published about Tom Slick in 1989 and 2002, and supposedly some movie rumors. What you might not know is there is a back story to the movies linked to these books. Catherine Nixon Cooke’s new Tom Slick biography is entitled Tom Slick, Mystery Hunter. The name of the book is tied to the film that was supposedly going to be made by Nicolas Cage’s Saturn Films [...]
Open Season on Cryptozoology?
How About An Open Season – via Emails to the Editors – on Bad Editorials? A closed-minded, unnamed editorial writer at the San Antonio Express-News has jumped on the skeptical bandwagon against cryptozoology. In a worthless use of printer’s ink called “Open season on unicorns,” the unnamed soul does the usual ridicule piece on the Swedish monster hunting ban being lifted, and then extends their foolish remarks by penning: “There are no protections on mythical creatures in South Texas. But that hasn’t made the Chupacabra or La Lechusa any less prolific. For that matter, there are no measures to preserve [...]
Christmas’ Abominable Snowmen
How many cities have an Abominable Snowman available for tourism interactions? It appears to be increasing every recent holiday season. For example, in Pittsburgh this weekend "the streets were teeming with holiday revelers picking at plates of funnel cake, and cuddling up for photos with a very unintimidating Abominable Snowman." Is this a national trend? Have you noticed that Abominable Snowmen are regaining popularity in America? And Bigfoot may be on the decline, during Yuletime?
Disney’s New Yeti Adventure
At Disney World in Florida, with the opening of Disney’s Expedition Everest, get ready for a ride of your life, plus some surprising educational opportunities to learn more about the Yeti or Abominable Snowmen. Several cryptozoologically-inclined people have contributed to the information behind this ride’s entryway and "museum," including me. It is located in the Animal Kingdom, and the waiting time is being filled with educational data about the Yeti. Joe Rohde, executive designer at Walt Disney Imagineering and lead designer of the park, has noted, "It’s a thrilling adventure themed to the tradition of the mysterious Yeti." Disney has [...]
CZ in PopPolitics
Boing Boing ("A Directory of Wonderful Things"), being one of my favorite blogs and especially those by David Pescovitz, was the first on the block, to understand the mixture in modern technoculture and cryptozoology. Now over at PopPolitics ("Where Politics and Popular Cultures Meet"), they are talking about cryptozoology too. Blogger Bernie in his "One Culture’s Myth …" is carrying on a good exchange, as he comes closer to understanding what we are all about. Here’s part of what I wrote today in PopPolitics comments section about the current cryptozoology converstation there: Hi, Bernie. You ask if it isn’t "true [...]
Death of Bob Warth
The Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained was founded by Ivan T. Sanderson. Sanderson created the society to further his research interests and writings of Forteana, from Abominable Snowmen reports to out-of-place objects. SITU’s journal was Pursuit, and the editor from 1980 onward was Bob Warth. I’ve been informed, indirectly from his wife, via former SITU member Bob Durant that Warth died on Halloween, October 31, 2005. Bob Warth died from a hemorrhage secondary to undiagnosed colon cancer. Warth was a long-time supporter of Fortean thought, and counted among his many friends, old line SITUers, as well as individuals [...]
Yeti at Bates
Yeti at Home at Bates This weekend’s Bates College Cryptozoology Symposium will bring together artists and cryptozoologists, for the first time, as far as I know, in a credible academic setting. It is the kickoff to the June-October 2006 exhibition, and will have a good schedule of talks on cryptozoology, art, science, creativity, and more. One change in the talks is a cancellation of Rachel Berwick for personal family matters, to be replaced by June O’Neill, discussing The Great New England Sea Serpent. The weekend should be informative and fun. I am also happy to announce that the Museum has [...]
Media Day
Media Day, Cryptozoology, and Halloween I am happy you found your way to Cryptomundo. But think about it, how do people hear about cryptozoology? From the media, of course. Television reality programming, books, radio shows, the internet, movies, magazines. All forms of the media, creating a whole new set of cryptozoologists-in-training. There are many choices out there for people, and oftentimes cryptozoologists are asked to do interviews. I do them because I am interested in a serious, adventurous, scientific profile of cryptozoology being shared with the public. Many teachers and parents have told me that nonreaders have turned into readers [...]
$1m Bigfoot bounty withdrawn
Duel Masters Withdraws and Rescinds $1M Bounty Hunt (Renton, Wash.) As noted by international cryptozoologist and author Loren Coleman earlier this week, the Duel Masters trading card game produced by Wizards of Coast [Hasbro, Inc.’s (NYSE: HAS)], explored the possibility of sponsoring a one million dollar bounty hunt that would encourage the live safe capture of Bigfoot, Yeti (Abominable Snowman) or Nessie (Loch Ness Monster). Prior to the start of the promotion, Duel Masters reconsidered based on safety concerns for both the public and for creatures-at-large. Specifically, Duel Masters feared that untrained cryptozoologists would engage in unsafe behaviors in their [...]
Duel Masters Withdraws $1M Bounty
Duel Masters Withdraws and Rescinds $1M Bounty Hunt (Renton, Wash.) As noted by international cryptozoologist and author Loren Coleman earlier this week, the Duel Masters trading card game produced by Wizards of Coast [Hasbro, Inc.’s (NYSE: HAS)], explored the possibility of sponsoring a one million dollar bounty hunt that would encourage the live safe capture of Bigfoot, Yeti (Abominable Snowman) or Nessie (Loch Ness Monster). Prior to the start of the promotion, Duel Masters reconsidered based on safety concerns for both the public and for creatures-at-large. Specifically, Duel Masters feared that untrained cryptozoologists would engage in unsafe behaviors in their [...]
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