Black Sasquatch: Update

Dale and Valerie Tompkins said they sighted a “Black Sasquatch” in New Brunswick.

In comments to their local newspaper, The Bugle-Observer, they shared exacting details.

Last weekend in York County, New Brunswick, a little after 7 p.m Sunday evening, August 17, 2008, and the couple were travelling in the Skiff Lake area, heading home from a visit with friends at Second Eel River Lake. That’s when they observed it – the huge upright animal they both firmly believe to be Bigfoot.

I know exactly what I saw….[The experience was] quite chilling … for a few minutes afterwards, especially….We were a half to three-quarters of a mile from the Skiff Lake sign in a densely wooded area when we came around a turn and saw a huge figure on the edge of the road. It looked down towards us then it walked across the road ahead of us just about 250 meters away….We own hunting and fishing camps and in the last 22 years we have brought in and weighed over 150 bears and I have seen 15 or 16 live ones, five this spring, so I know a bear when I see one. I know a bear can stand on its hind legs and move around, but a bear can’t walk on two legs the way this human-like form did. It crossed the road in three or four long steps, swinging its long arms like a human!….When we got home we went on the Internet and found pictures exactly like what we saw. There were pictures of brown ones and black ones. What we saw was a Black Sasquatch.Dale Tompkins.

Dale Tompkins said that at first he and Valerie thought it was a bear standing on its hind legs, but they soon realized they were seeing more than just a bear. The chip-sealed road measures 35 feet across at the place they saw it.

At the time of the sighting, the couple noticed a vehicle following closely behind them. With hopes that the driver had seen what they described as a “pitch-black, sleek, hairy, approximately 8-and-a-half foot sasquatch,” so they stopped him and his passenger along the road in Canterbury.

I know what we saw and I don’t care if people believe us or not. There are four of us who witnessed the same thing so why would we just make something like that up? We don’t want to be involved in what we feel people will only think of as a hoax.Anonymous couple contacted by The Bugle-Observer

We asked them if they saw what we saw and they said they did. They told us they were on their way home from their local area cottage. They were as excited as we were…If it was just someone dressed up, they sure did a good job. We believe we saw Bigfoot.Valerie Tompkins