2 Responses

  1. Loren Coleman
    Loren Coleman April 25, 2006 at 10:23 pm |

    I’ve been waiting for someone to ask that, so I’m happy that youcantryreachingme did.

    If you write a blog, as I do, you have to write tons of summary statements to encapsulate what you are trying to convey in your posting. I was attempting a fun play-on-words and play-on-attitude with my “inside and outside, the field” phrasology. I was both joking about the kinds of “fieldwork” of cryptozoology, and the insiders-outsiders in the media who try to report on cryptozoology, our “field,” and how they use whatever words that they may wish to employ. Of course, there is a jargon of cryptozoology, and it has nothing to do with degrees, academic, or coursework. I was merely playing with this wordsmith, as a metaphor of what seemed to be happening in this discussion of which words to use. Perhaps the delivery was too subtle. Perhaps you don’t know I do this all the time?

  2. Loren Coleman
    Loren Coleman April 26, 2006 at 4:51 am |

    Coursework in cryptozoology has already happened, for over 16 years, but I was responding to the fact we are far from degrees, a B.A. or Masters in the science of cryptozoology.

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