Mystery Mammal Defies Identification

No photographs have been taken of this mystery animal or I would have posted them. But certainly something strange is being seen in the Wimbledon Common, London, England.

According to an eyewitness a strange animal similar to a squirrel is hiding out on the common leaving people wondering what kind of beast it could be.

So far educated guesses on website Wild About Britain have included the Australasian sugar glider, the North American flying squirrel or another species of possum.

Rather more tongue-in-cheek suggestions have included a flying womble – on account of the common being home to the fictional TV characters.

Wandsworth’s Kolin Barnz, who spotted the beast while on the commen, said: “It was squirrel-like but its face looked more mouse-like, with long whiskers, black eyes and small ears.

“As it jumped between trees, flaps of skin stretched between its front and back legs and it gilded [sic] to the next tree. I couldn’t believe my eyes.” How the animal got to its new home is anyone’s guess, but it is possible it could be someone’s escaped pet.“Is mystery squirrel playing possum after un-Common sighting” by Jamie Henderson, Wimbledon Guardian, UK, October 3, 2007.