Where is Cassie?

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I look forward to seeing folks at the closing reception at Bates’s exhibition “Cryptozoology: Out of Time Place Scale,” on October 7th.

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In the meantime, I will be pondering why it has been so many years since anyone has seen Cassie, the Casco Bay Sea Serpent. Cassie, the local name I coined long ago in a magazine to characterize these cryptids seen near Portland, Maine, was bestowed in the same tradition that many freshwater and marine creature monikers are given – with passion, humor, and a nod to Nessie. As it turns out, of course, Portland is not alone in missing its Sea Serpents.

“All Things Maine” blogger Christopher Dunham gave a nice overview of “The Sea Serpents of Mount Desert Island” a year ago in his essay.

Chris reprinted the text of old newspaper articles detailing sightings off Mount Desert Island from 1793, 1819, 1827, and 1836. I certainly appreciate him recommending my and Patrick Huyghe’s field guide on the subject as a good book to have along on your Sea Serpent search. His material pointed out, once again, that these bygone days had more sightings along the coast than we have experienced of late. Too bad.

Where is Cassie?