Here is a round up of a few weird and random animal notes of interest.
First, a Rare ‘dinky’ bird migrates to US for first time. Word is getting around late on Friday night that a five inch long bird with beige and yellow markings, the pine flycatcher, has made an unprecedented migration from Mexico and Guatemala to Choke Canyon State Park, Texas. The bird, which appears to be alone, was first spotted last month and as recently as Friday. The sightings have been confirmed by photographs and recordings of its chirping. The bird, with a solitary nature, usually stays at high elevations but made its winter home in the low Texas scrubland about 200 miles north of its usual habitat.
A great deal of the creepy factor seems to have been attached to the Hispaniolan Solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus) video that has made the news. Of course, it is not news that there are a few venomous mammals and that most of them are solenodons and shrews. However, this creature is not a cryptid, not a new discovery, and not especially strange. It was discovered in 1833.
Another handy list of things, this being some extinct animals that crazy cloning scientists might try to bring back.
A leucistic zebra has been photographed by I. B. Helburn in Tanzania.
Finally, have you picked out that next place you just have to visit? Well, here is a suggestion. There is a new Australian attraction. Shown is the site where a tourist dives into a cage partially immersed in a crocodile pen at Crocosaurus Cove in Darwin, Australia. Begin saving up those pennies today.
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