Snow Leopard in Kentucky?


This alligator was captured and killed in Texas, although the photo is part of an e-mail circulating a rumor that an alligator is living in Rough River Lake, Kentucky. Courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Reports of exotic animals in Kentucky are sometimes rumors and sometimes the truth.

While the giant alligator report in the Kentucky lake was false, three years ago in Bullitt County, Kentucky, a Himalayan snow leopard, one of the most endangered species on Earth, was captured near KY 44.


Other animals captured (not just sighted) in Kentucky, include:

Mountain lion, Mercer County, single occurrence.

Caimans and alligators: on several occasions throughout state.

Pacu (relatives of piranha), numerous ponds, streams and lakes, numerous occurrences.

Piranha, Ohio River, single occurrence

Armadillo, road kill, western Kentucky, single occurrence.