5 Responses

  1. EastexQueenB
    EastexQueenB October 13, 2006 at 3:05 pm |

    DNA would be helpful. I hadn’t heard of this story before I read this post. I did some quick reading up, and find it a fascinating story. I also read an article where Grover Krantz pronounced the skull of Zana’s son Khwit as “modern”, and another saying that there may be indications of a Neandertal influence and that it may be recessive to Homo sapiens. Whatever the determination, it’s sure to keep the pot of scientific debate stirred.

  2. jayman
    jayman October 13, 2006 at 3:30 pm |

    At least this is something testable. I always wondered why no DNA testing had been done on Khwit’s skull earlier.
    I do remember too that based on morphology, Grover Krantz dismissed the idea that Khwit’s mother could have been a Neanderthal.

  3. dharkheart
    dharkheart October 14, 2006 at 9:28 am |

    The story of Zana, or Zanya, is one I’ve found to be particularly interesting.

  4. Judy Green
    Judy Green October 15, 2006 at 11:26 am |

    This is some of the most exciting news I have heard in a very long time. I surely hope we get to hear the results of the testing and it doesn’t get lost out there in cyber space somewhere! I have seen an image of Khvit’s skull somewhere so I will try and find it and post the source.

  5. Judy Green
    Judy Green October 15, 2006 at 1:59 pm |

    Okay, I found it, however, I don’t know that it is on the Internet anywhere and I don’t have a scanner. It is not a very clear image, but it is in Grover Krantz’s “Bigfoot Sasquatch Evidence” on page 336.

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