More on Reggie

The original owner of Reggie has stepped forward and has passed along the following photographs for posting on Cryptomundo.

Reggie Gator

Reggie Gator

Reggie Gator

Reggie Gator

Reggie Gator

Reggie the gator was let loose when he was 7 foot 5 inches, 147 pounds. I owned Reggie for five years. I have pics for you if you like. Maybe you might want to know what really happened. The police don’t tell you everything. The cops were at my house three years before he was let go and they saw him and fed him. At the time they were here I had three of them; they did nothing about it. All they wanted to do was feed him and hold the babies I had at the time. But did not take him or he won’t be in the lake. Nor would LA zoo take him; I called them for two years asking if they wanted him. Then they didn’t want him; now they do because he is famous. Anthony Brewer, claiming to be the most recent owner of Reggie