Dr. Anna Nekaris is presenting a new show about her work on cryptic species, “Jungle Gremlins of Java,” premiering in the UK on BBC2: Natural World, on January 25, 2012, at 8 pm. It will be broadcast later this year in the US on Animal Planet.
Dr. Anna Nekaris was one of the panelists on the Definitive Guide to Bigfoot.
Dr. Anna Nekaris travels to the jungles of Java to solve the riddle of its toxic bite of the slow loris, but a shocking discovery awaits. The toxin produced by slow lorises appears to contain substances that can cause flesh necrosis in humans. These substances are found in bugs such as millepedes which form part of a loris’ diet in the wild. (Graphic bloody thumb video here.)
Dr. Elizabeth Rowena Pimley, right, during a field trip in Sri Lanka, with Dr. Anna Nekaris, left.
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