It appears a leak has occurred with regard to a recent Loch Ness finding made by MonsterQuest’s film crew, according to a new Daily Express dispatch.
When the US scientists lowered their high tech, cameras 800ft into Loch Ness, they were prepared for anything – except golf balls.
Instead of zooming in on Nessie, the cameras picked up tens of thousands of balls posing a threat to the species that live there.
Loch Ness has been designated with “international conservation importance” because of its unique aquatic life.
It is believed holidaymakers and locals are using the loch as a golf range.
Mike O’Brien. of Louisiana-based Sea Trepid. sent remote cameras down in the hope of discovering Nessie for the US TV show, MonsterQuest.
He said: “There’s a lot of debris down there, including, literally, a coating of golf balls. It’s a shame really.”
Green Party MSP Patrick Harvie said: “From the Moon to the bottom of Loch Ness, golf balls are humanity’s signature litter.
“If there was anything of interest down there, it would not do it any good to be hit like this.
“You can get biodegradable balls now and anyone looking to fire a few off into Loch Ness or elsewhere should get a stock in.”
Thanks to Cryptomundo correspondent R. D. Hendricks for forwarding this news item.
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