Mokele-Mbembe: 2008 News


Mokele-mbembe being killed by Pygmies by Bill Rebsamen.

Cryptozoologist William Gibbons has news about his forthcoming book On The Track of Mokele-Mbembe: Africa’s Living Dinosaur, to be published in 2008, by Coachwhip:

I am continuing to work on the book, which is in three parts.

The first part covers the entire historical perspective on alleged living dinosaurs in Africa, including some wonderful never before published eye-witness accounts.

The second part of the book brings us up to date with modern expeditions and findings.

The third part of the book will focus on a few key cryptids that allegedly inhabit the Equatorial African region, including the giant spider. All the extended research and digging have been well worth it.

I found a very credible, first hand eye-witness account of Mokele-mbembe going back to 1890! Other close observations by Westerners were recorded from 1910 upwards, so it has been well worth the wait to unearth these little gems.

Plus, I now have very good photographs of famous key historical figures that I never thought I would ever find.


Mokele-mbembe by Bill Rebsamen. Click on image for a larger view.

Bill Rebsamen is working closely on the illustrations, including maps, charts, drawings and photographs.

This book will be a complete overview on the search for living dinosaurs in Africa, blending a little history on the continent, including some colonial era information. The book has been a real labor of love.

I know that Roy Mackal’s book, A Living Dinosaur? In Search of Mokele-mbembe will be hard to beat, but I am hoping that my book, On The Track of Mokele-mbembe, Africa’s Living Dinosaur, will be the very best, most up-to-date, most complete, most informative book ever written on this subject.

I have two other books planned on Africa cryptids and will start on these as soon as the new book is published. ~ Bill Gibbons

Other interesting items of note about cryptids, recently mentioned to me by Gibbons, may be included in his new book or the next ones:

Eugene and Sandy Thomas

Rev. Eugene Thomas and Sandy Thomas in 1986. Photograph courtesy of William Gibbons.

There are vague reports of giant, upright primates living deep in the Congo forest that are more fearsome than gorillas. I remember discussing this with the Aka pygmies in the Congo Republic back in 1986, through the late missionary, Gene Thomas. They may have been referring to the Bili Ape on the Belgian side of the Oubangui River as they also hunt there.

This is also a different creature than the much-feared Dodu, which is well known to the Baka in the Cameroon forests, and also appears to be present in the Congo forests.


On another note, the Baka people in Cameroon have mentioned that the Okapi is present in the forest there, suggesting that its range may extend well beyond the Uturi forest of Congo-Kinshasa. ~ Bill Gibbons


As far as the news of another book on Mokele-Mbembe, yes, John Kirk has one in the works too. But he tells me to not look for that before 2009 or 2010.

safari okapi